Website operator
Tel. 0363/51591 – Fax 0363/350264 - 0363/352742
Capitale Sociale €. 3.000.000,00 i.v
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U.E Code – Identificativo IVA IT 01961620166
Registro Imprese di Bergamo 01961620166
REA: 250689 Nr. Mecc.Comm.Estero: BG010505
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Website operator
Tel. 0363/51591 – Fax 0363/350264 - 0363/352742
Share capital €. 3.000.000,00 i.v
Tax Code and VAT number 01961620166
Registro Imprese di Bergamo 01961620166
REA: 250689
Foreign Trade Mechanographic Number: BG010505
Contact for data protection requests: E-mail:
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